Friday, October 28, 2011

Good bye, my dear little friend

On the 27th October 2011 at approximate 4:00 am, my baby ferret "Mickey" left this world at the age of 9.
For ferrets, he lived a long life, even though he was sick with Cushing syndrome and was in a long term treatment, that may have helped to prolong his life, but he was just too old and his body couldn't keep up anymore.

I remember the day when I found out about him and his siblings. I didn't know Sarah (their mother) was pregnant and when I started cleaning the cage, I found six pink and naked little ferrets. I was even bitten on my leg (Sarah suddenly appears and defended her babies). I was in shock!

Micke was always the cutest among the his siblings . When he was younger, he would suddenly ambush my leg and he even successfully caused a mark on my nose. I really miss him....

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